معاونت دیپلماسی اقتصادی وزارت امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران

۱۳۹۹/۰۲/۳۰- ۰۷:۰۰ - مشاهده: ۸۱۰

اطلاعات تماس با فروشگاه‌های زنجیره ای مواد غذایی آفریقای جنوبی

اطلاعاتی شامل شماره تماس، آدرس الکترونیکی، فکس و ... از برخی فروشگاه‌های زنجیره ای مواد غذایی و خوار و بار در آفریقای جنوبی به قرار ذیل است؛



(پوشاک ، لوازم آرایشی بهداشتی،  ظروف آشپزخانه ، خوار و بار )


P O Box 680, Cape Town, 8000

Tel: +27(0)21 407 9111

Fax: +27(0)21 407 3957/3939

Retail Stores for Food, Clothes, Shoes, Houseware

Web: http://www.woolworths.co.za

Contact Mens Leather Jacket Buyer -

Mr Percy Ndaba

E-mail: percyndaba@woolworths.co.za

Ladies Leather Jacket Buyer -

Kahni Faki

E-mail: khanyifani@woolworths.co.za

Bed Linen Buyer -

Belinda Gordon

E-mail: BelindaGordon@woolworths.co.za

Sweets and Chocolates Buyers -

Mr Quinton Schilder

E-mail: quintonschilder@woolworths.co.za

- Christine Costa

E-mail: christinecosta@woolworths.co.za

Perfumes - Marinda Patterson

E-mail: MarindaPatterson@woolworths.co.za

Swimwear Buyer – Jean Alexander

E-mail: jeanalexander@woolworths.co.za

Ladies Shoes Buyer - Marlies Michelson

E-mail: marliesmichelson@woolworths.co.za

Childrens Boots & Shoes Buyer -

Lisa Olinn E-mail: lisaolinn@woolworths.co.za

Mens Boots and Shoes Buyer –

 Yolande Joubert E-mail: yolandejoubert@woolworths.co.za

Kitchenware & Tableware Buyer -

Mr Chris van Zyl

E-mail: chrisvanzyl@woolworths.co.za

Canned Food Buyer - Conway Olin

E-mail: conwayolin@woolworths.co.za

Beverages Buyer - Mr Ivan Oertle

E-mail: ivanoertle@woolworths.co.za

Stationery Buyer  - Chantal Jearey

E-mail: chantaljearey@woolworths.co.za

Costume Jewellery Buyer -

Hermien Jordaan

E-mail wwhde@woolworths.co.za



2-SHOPRITE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (Shoprite Checkers, U Save, O.K. Furniture, House & Home, Hungry Lion):

( خوار و بار ، پوشاک ، لوازم آشپزخانه  و ...)


P O Box 215, Brackenfell, 7561

Tel: +27(0)21 980 4000/4012

Fax: +27(0)21 980 4298/980 4011

E-mail: shoprite@shoprite.co.za

Web: http://www.shoprite.co.za

Linen Buyer – Mrs. A Vosloo

E-mail: avosloo@shoprite.co.za

Sweets and Chocolates Buyer -

Mr Paul Coetzee

E-mail: pcoetzee@shoprite.co.za

Hardware Buyer -

Mr Pieter van Breda

E-mail: pvbreda@shoprite.co.za

General Merchandise Director

Mr Bonny Riguet

E-mail: briguet@shoprite.co.za

Mr. Gerhardt Ackerman – Non-Foods

E-mail: gackerman@shoprite.co.za

Sentra - 300 Stores dealing in General Merchandise, Food, Garments, Shoes, Household




( خوار و بار ، پوشاک ، لوازم آشپزخانه  و ...)

P O Box 23087, Claremont, 7735

Tel: +27(0)21 658 1000

Fax: +27(0)21 683 2514/2375/671 5317

Corporate Stores:

Retail Investment Holding Company

E-mail: hrwcape@pnp.co.za

Web: http://www.picknpay.co.za

Contact Mr. Chris van Rooyen –

General Merchandising Director,

E-mail: cvanrooyen@pnp.co.za

Bed Linen – Mary Rodney,

E-mail: mrodney@pnp.co.za

Perfumes Mark Rodwell

E-mail: mrodwell@pnp.co.za

Grocery and Wine Buyer –

Mr. David Smith

E-mail: dsmith@pnp.co.za

Sweets and Chocolates Buyer –

Mr. Brian Daitsh

E-mail: albotha@pnp.co.za

Ladies Sportswear – Rugaya Gamiet

E-mail: rgamiet@pnp.co.za

Regional Buyer Hardware Western Cape

Mr. Dan Toni

E-mail: dantoni@pnp.co.za

15 Hypermarkets, 106 Supermarkets

General Merchandise, food, household, toys, hardware, tools, Sports Goods, outdoor items, electrical, garden, gifts, Hi-Fi, Stationery, Luggage, Paint, Bicycles, Pool Equipment.

18 Boardmans Stores




( خوار و بار ، پوشاک ، لوازم آشپزخانه ، لوازم الکتریکی  و الکترونیکی ، مبل اداری و خانگی  و ...)


Private Bag X4, Sunninghill, 2157

Tel: +27(0)11 797 0000/797 0500

Fax: +27(0)11 803 5833/797 0979

E-mail: makrocare@makro.co.za

Web: http://www.makro.co.za

Wholesale chain with 11 stores dealing in General Merchandise.

Marketing Director – Mr. Chris Nezar

E-mail: chris.nezar@makro.co.za

Tel: 0860 300 999

Buyers: Audio – Mr. Louis de Santos.

Do it Yourself – Mr. Trevor Stopforth. Jewellery – Michelle Webber

Homeware – Mosa Moyin

All departments – Mr. Derrick Kalan

Linen Buyer – Cathrine Modena

E-mail: shannon.thompson@makro.co.za

Sweets and Chocolates Buyer –

Mr. John de Quintal

E-mail: john.dequintal@makro.co.za

Digitals - Mr. Andrew Jackson

E-mail: ajackson@makro.co.za

Perfumes Rodney Webber

E-mail: rodneyweber@makro.co.za

Hardware – Mr Stuart Jowett

E-mail: stuart.jowett@makro.co.za

Costume Jewellery Buyer

Michelle Webber

E-mail: mwebber@makro.co.za

Knitwear Buyer: Caroline Brickell

E-mail: cbricke@makro.co.za

E-mail: shanon.thompson@makro.co.za




( خوار و بار ، پوشاک ، لوازم آشپزخانه  و ...)


Private Bag 8021, Centurion, 0046

Tel: +27(0)12 621 2261/ 663 1211/2000

Fax: +27(0)12 621 2220/2340

Division of Shoprite Checkers.

Shoprite Holdings Tel: +27(0)21 980 4000

Shoprite checkers Franchising Brands:

Sentra, 8 till Late, Value, Megasave

19 Checkers Hypers

Contact Luigi Mantovani 

Bought O.K. + House and Home

Buyers: Executive Food Buyer –

Mr.  Tom Herriott.

Health and Beauty –

Mr. Tim du Plessis.

Dry groceries – Mr. Tony Kelly. Perishables – Mr. Norman Canon. Confectionery, Bakery –

Chalet von Koller. 

Non-foods – Mr. Jannie Venter/D Fraser

Linen – Caroline Von Zyl,

E-mail: cvanz@shoprite.co.za

Mary McDaneed

E-mail: mm@dana@shoprite.co.za

Glassware - Adele Pearman-White

E-mail: apearmanwhite@shooprite.co.za ,

H van Rooyen –Divisional Manager

E-mail: hvanrooyen@shoprite.co.za

Bed Linen Buyer – Caroline van Zyl

Sweets and Chocolate Buyer –

Mr. N Cannon

 E-mail: ncannon@shoprite.co.za

Sportswear – Margaret McNair

E-mail: mmcnair@shoprite.co.za

C Ochse – Chief Buyer

E-mail: Cochse@shoprite.co.za

M McDonald – Buyer

E-mail: mmcdonald@shoprite.co.za





(خوار و بار )


e-mail intcontact.us@spar.co.za

SPAR Central Office : 031 719 1900

SPAR Distribution Centres

Kwa Zulu Natal : 031 508 5000

Eastern Cape : 041 404 5000

Western Cape : 021 690 0000

Lowveld : 013 753 6800

South Rand : 011 821 4000

North Rand : 011 203 5300



7- Rapid Distributors (خوار و بار )


Tel: 0027 12 6667901

Fax: 0027 12 6668193

Email : yusufkala@pixie.co.za

Contact Person : Mr. Yusuf Kala  , Cell : 0027(0) 82 492 7862


30Van Tonder Street

Sunderlandridge, Pretoria

P.O.Box 14092

Laudium , Pretoria, 0037

South Africa



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